It is with a heavy heart that I begin this update to you. As some of you may have seen on local and national news, there was an explosion in Sterling; it was both in my district, and close to where I live. Over a dozen people were hurt, and one first responder perished. Over the next few days, we will share updates on services and community outreach.

On Friday, February 16th, Fire and Rescue crews from Loudoun County, Fairfax County, and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority responded to a call for a gas leak on Silver Ridge Drive in Sterling. Firefighters made entry, and as they were investigating, a catastrophic explosion occurred, injuring many.

The fallen firefighter from Friday’s home explosion in Sterling has been identified as Firefighter Trevor Brown, 45, of the Sterling Volunteer Fire Company. He has been affiliated with the Loudoun County Combined Fire and Rescue System since 2016. Firefighter Brown leaves behind a wife and three children. Please keep Firefighter Brown’s family, friends, and colleagues as well as the homeowner, neighbors, and Sterling Community in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

Loudoun County Fire and Rescue, along with Sterling Volunteer Fire Company, are currently assisting the family of FF Brown and the other injured firefighters. They are working to determine their needs and provide them with the necessary support. Loudoun County has two foundations, namely the Loudoun Career Fire Fighters Foundation and the Loudoun First Responders Foundation, which provide financial assistance to firefighters during times of hardship.

The Loudoun Career Fire Fighters Foundation is the charitable arm of L3756 and more info can be found at

The Loudoun First Responders Foundation supports all of Loudoun’s First Responders. More info can be found here:

The DC Firefighters Burn Foundation is taking care of the two burned firefighters at MedStar hospital and their families. Their website is

Legislative Updates

The General Assembly has successfully passed the midway point of Virginia’s legislative session, known as Crossover. From this point onwards, no new bills will be introduced or considered. Instead, the state House and Senate will only consider legislation that has successfully passed the opposite chamber.

I am so happy to share that ten bills have passed the House, with eight passing with bipartisan support! 

HB 645 makes easier the enforcement of reserved spaces for charging plug-in electric vehicles.

HB105 corrects the inadvertent oversight of not including condo and co-op associations in parts of the Resale Disclosure Act.

HB 383 strengthens the continuing education of real estate brokers and agents by focusing on ethics, agency, contracts, and legal updates without increasing the burden of total hours!

HB 392 extends the protections of the VA Petroleum Products Franchise Act to the relationship between dealers and small business owners in Planning District 8.

HB 719 provides research-based hazing prevention instruction to high school students.

HB 281 gives local option for child day cares to open in office buildings.

HB 1028 allows localities to include affordable housing in assisted living facilities.

HB 1402 will assist in the transparency of prescription drug pricing by requiring pharmacy benefits managers to provide more information in their transparency reports. The bill also provides a civil penalty for failure to comply.

HB 102 raises the compensation of counsel who represents indigent clients, protecting constitutional rights and democracy.

HB 1490 empowers localities with the flexibility to offer more early voting hours and locations tailored to their communities needs. 

I also had the honor of being a Chief Co-Patron on three very important bills that all passed the House with bipartisan support as well. 

HB150 stops the Social Services Board from demanding in-person appearances for those applying for or renewing participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). 

HB498 requires local school boards to create and enforce a policy mandating the annual notification of parents, sent by email and, if applicable, SMS text message within 30 days of each school year, about their legal duty to safely store household firearms, associated risks, youth firearm-related statistics, and safety tips. 

HB906 states that in the event of a state of emergency declared by the Governor, electric, gas, water, and wastewater utilities regulated by the State Corporation Commission are prohibited from disconnecting service to residential customers for non-payment for a period of 30 days after the emergency declaration. Additionally, disconnections are not allowed during extreme weather conditions (below 32°F or above 92°F), as well as on Fridays, weekends, state holidays, and the day before a state holiday.

This past Saturday, I hosted a Crossover Town Hall with Delegates David Reid and Kannan Srinivasan. We spoke about the successes from the first half of the legislative session and what we are doing to deliver to our constituents. 

Couldn’t make it? Do not worry! You can catch the entire Town Hall in the video below:

Conversations in the GAB

My team and I had a great time interacting with advocacy groups and constituents during their annual lobby days and Richmond visits. This week, I had the opportunity to meet with several groups working towards important causes, including the Loudoun County Democratic Committee and students from George Mason University!

Members from Loudoun County Democrats visiting Richmond
Students from George Mason University (my Law School Alma Mater!)

Want to Connect?

General Assembly Advances Bipartisan Legislation to Make Medicine More Affordable for Virginians

Virginia lawmaker proposing increased pay for court-appointed attorneys, an effort to improve the criminal justice system

Why they want Virginia schools to educate teens on the dangers of hazing

Want to Connect?

I want to hear from YOU!

Whether you want to bring an issue to my attention, need my office’s assistance, or want to invite me to a community event, please reach out! If there is any way in which I may assist you, please let me know here:

Find yourself in Richmond? Come stop by!

If you are interested in seeing how the session is going and would like to visit us in person at our office in the General Assembly Building, we would be more than happy to have you. Please reach out so we can reserve a time for you. You can contact my Chief of Staff, Caleigh Lynch, at Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

I am grateful for your ongoing support and feel privileged to be your representative in Richmond.

Yours in Service, 

Atoosa Reaser
Delegate, HD-27