A bill that would allow localities to negotiate for affordable rental units during the review of special exception applications for assisted living facilities is advancing through the House of Delegates, receiving an endorsement from the Counties, Cities and Towns Committee on Jan. 17.
The bill only applies to localities with affordable housing programs, of which Virginia currently has seven, including Loudoun.
The legislation is introduced by Del. Atoosa Reaser (D-27) and is a “rebrand” of a bill from last year that received bi-partisan support but did not earn Gov. Glenn Younkin’s approval, she told the committee.
“I’ve changed some language to make it a little more friendly to being a free-market bill,” she said, adding that previously the bill authorized localities to require rental units, while this year’s bill only authorizes them to negotiate for the units.
“One of the big differences in the ability to negotiate is the developer could, for example, ask for more density, and that would not impact the supply chain, which was one of the concerns with the previous bill,” she said.
The bill was endorsed by the committee on a 20-2 vote. It now advances to the full House.
Read the article here: https://www.loudounnow.com/news/reaser-s-assisted-living-affordable-housing-bill-advances/article_1b228efa-d833-11ef-bf75-3bf74ab41ecd.html