Four locally sponsored education bills cleared committee on Wednesday and now await action by the full House of Delegates.  They address the chronic absenteeism calculation, education preparation program audits, parent contact about student mental health, and high school graduation requirements.

HB1769, sponsored by Del. Marty Martinez (D-29), provides that if a parent informs the school about a student absence of 15 or more days, the student will be consider withdrawn from school and would not count towards a school’s accreditation assessment. 

Loudoun County School Board Vice Chair Anne Donohue (At-Large) spoke in favor of the bill during a subcommittee hearing Jan. 28.

That passed cleared the House Appropriations Committee unanimously Wednesday. It will now be read to the full House for approval.

Reaser also introduced HB1915 on Jan. 7 that changes language in the Virginia Code from allowing both the school division and the teacher to pull out of an employment contract in writing by June 15 each year to just the teacher being able to submit the written request. It was approved by the House Education Committee on Jan. 15.

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